Raspberry Balsamic Chicken

I wanted to name this post * Balsamic Chicken, but I thought that would make me a little too nerdy. * is a wildcard. When used it search, it can stand for anything.  This recipe is the same way! This week I made raspberry balsamic chicken, but you could also make honey balsamic, maple balsamic, strawberry balsamic… you get the point. (Ok, so it’s still just as nerdy when I talk about it in the post) If you are a new cook or just someone looking to add an amazing go-to recipe to your repertoire, keep reading!

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The good salad

You know you’ve made some strides when your husband asks if you’re having “the good salad” for dinner. “The good salad” refers to my version of a chef/cobb salad (not really sure exactly where it falls). It’s a hearty, but healthy salad perfect for lunch or even dinner. It’s really simple to put together, but I have heard a lot of people lately say that they can’t get excited about salad as a main meal. So if you are one of those (or married to one of those) you should try this.

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Vegetarian Stuffed Acorn Squash

A couple of weeks ago I had one of those inspired moments in the grocery store where I decided to buy some winter squash. After all, we haven’t had a winter quite like this one in New York in many years, so it felt especially appropriate.

The only problem with these on a whim purchases is that I usually don’t have a recipe in mind so have to get creative when it comes to using the ingredient. It also means, that throughout the weeks, my ingredient gets more and more lonely in the fridge as the rest of the groceries get used.  Last night, after a trip to the gym I needed a healthy, quick, and comforting dinner and the acorn squash was calling out my name.

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